Monday, May 11, 2015

Lucid Dreaming | Inducting a DILD

I'm sure many of you already know this, but I'm just putting this up for everyone to see.

Let's go over what we know first.

When you're in waking life, you are conscious. When you're asleep, you're unconscious. Normally, what you do in normal waking life, or when conscious, will not often carry over into your dreams, because then, you're unconscious. You wouldn't very often do a reality check in a dream if you're making a conscious effort to do them in waking life, because of course, in a dream you're unconscious.

This leads to my point. Whether you're trying to reality check in a dream (DILD), or trying to recall your intention to dream in a dream (MILD), or practicing ADA, or doing meditation, you want to consciously do it to the point where you are able do it unconsciously. It should be as normal as breathing, or moving one foot out then the next foot out when walking. I don't mean that you should be able to do a reality check and not even know it. Just not have to think "oh it's time to do a reality check" or be aware that you will do it before you actually perform one. And reality checking is just an example. When practicing prospective memory for MILD, you should be able to start an RC from your trigger unconsciously. I believe this to be your goal for any technique in which your goal is to be aware of a dream while in a dream.

I'm not sure about it, since I still haven't yet reached this point, but I think you could have lucid dreams very often when you've reached this point.

Thanks for reading this, and I hope it helped. I would be glad to receive any comments, questions, or disagreements.

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity

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