Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Lucid Dreaming | Any improvements on my lucid dreaming 'habits'? Is WBTB better when used more than once per night?

Hello guys. I've been practising lucid dreaming on and off ever since February/March last year, and have had a bit of success, most of it being from between January and now. Anyway, I've decided to come back to lucid dream practising after I stopped at the end of February this year, and I'm getting back into the swing of things, although I'd appreciate some advice from any more experienced dreamers here regarding whether my technique is good enough and if I could improve it.

What I am focusing on is getting back into the normal LDing habits, but spreading the individual habits out so that I start them again more slowly. For example, when I was practising lucid dreaming before, I used to reality check roughly twice an hour by plugging my nose and imagining that I can breathe through it, then trying to push my finger through my palm and really intending for it to go through, as well as trying to recall what I was doing a few minutes ago and how I got to where I was now.

In addition to that, I always set an alarm for 3:30am after I'd fallen asleep by 10:30pm to wake me up in order to perform WBTB and WILD. Needless to say, the WILD never worked, but the WBTB may have helped me with my dream recall, although I couldn't tell. At the moment, I'm RCing roughly once an hour using the reality check mechanisms I mentioned earlier, and using a mantra for MILD before I go to sleep to help my subconscious try to become aware of me wanting to have a lucid dream! I'm also waking up at 3:30am to do WBTB. At the end of the week, I'll start maybe trying WILD or another technique during my WBTB to improve my chances of lucidity.

The mantra, by the way, is: "While I am dreaming, I will realise I'm dreaming."

Previously, the only lucid dreams I've had were random lucids that happened when I'd given up, and they happened about a week after I gave up, and I've also had a few LDs from unpredictable and accidental DEILD 'attempts' where I'd woken up in the middle of the night and just happened to not lose all awareness when falling back asleep immediately. That's why I'd like to learn how to become at least sort of successful at having DILDs, because the reason I'm doing all of these practises and techniques ISN'T to have the occasional random LD once I've become bored of practising LDing!

It seems to me that a lot of people manage to get at least one lucid dream every 2 weeks or so after practising lucid dreaming using the techniques and habits I mentioned above, but I've never managed to achieve even a single lucid dream! Keeping in mind, at the start, I went for 4 months practising, and there were NO DILDs! I know practising lucid dreaming isn't ALL about the end result, but for me, and probably most people, that is the grand prize I want at the end of it all!

I have noticed one thing that I seem to get better at after longer periods of practise: my dream recall. Also, when I tried to incorporate awareness techniques into my LD routine for a short period of time, I managed to recall a LOT more little details from my dreams! Sadly, I found that for me, the awareness techniques were unbearably difficult to keep up, what with noticing EVERY LITTLE DETAIL that happens, so I can't really effectively use them as a means of improving dream recall or lucidity in dreams.

I know that was a lot to read, but if you have read everything, could you tell me if I'm doing anything wrong with my techniques? Also, I'd like to know (like the thread title says) whether performing WBTB multiple times per night is more effective than just once. I've heard of 'how to lucid dream' guides saying that it improves dream recall if you can wake up a few times in the middle of the night to write down your dreams, but that's not exactly the same as WBTB.

Thank you!

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity http://ift.tt/1GXq5EE

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