Monday, May 4, 2015

From the Desk of John Rourke – May 5th, 2015

Information is still coming in but it appears that the two shooters in Texas were acting with ISIS in mind – or at least radical Islam. I guess they should have known not to mess with Texas!

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I am feeling rather philosophical this week. Consider “overreaction”. I often come across people that overreact to different words and topics. General acquaintances – those not normally within my inner circle – are so quick to throw walls up and will not discuss or listen. Take “politics” for example. I know a few people that as soon as they hear the word throw their hands up and shake their head – “I don’t talk about politics. I don’t care – they are just a bunch of crooks anyways!” I partially agree with that last part.


People hear about something on the Internet and overreact by basing their entire opinion on one thing. I have a co-worker that is adamantly against the Salvation Army because of their apparent stance against homosexuality.  The belief this co-worker has is incorrect and totally false. He failed to do any research and just took a random blurb as pure fact.

The truth is out there and we must be open minded enough to find it.

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Emergency Essentials has their 44 oz large can of peanut butter powder on sale for $12.99. This is a huge discount as regular price is $24.00.

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This past weekend finally got back to planting in the garden. Hard work pays off. Cucumbers, tomatoes, yellow squash, zucchini, and peppers. 75% complete.

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Weather forecast this week looks awesome. Time to take the top off the Jeep and enjoy God’s creation!

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Today is the last day to enter the Kelly Kettle giveaway. Follow this link to enter if you haven’t yet.





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