Sunday, May 3, 2015

From the Desk of John Rourke – May 4th, 2015

Politics and Preparedness: Over the years I have talked plenty about politics. I believe that politics are deeply intertwined with preparedness. The vast majority of us are preparing for an inevitable economic collapse. The reality is it not so much a failure of the economy but a failure of the government. This country and its people could be flourishing with low unemployment, a fantastic education system, low taxes and huge opportunities. Government has suffocated and stymied the economy and what success the economy does have is in spite of government – not because of it.

I believe it is a matter of time before things come crashing down around us.  Unless an event creates a sudden accelerated collapse it is going to occur over some time. History may show we are in the beginning stages now.


So – why politics?  Because it is directly responsible for the cause of this collapse. It was preventable. It could have been avoided. Notice I said “was” because I certainly do not see any way to stop it. We are past the point of no return.

If politics leaves a bad taste in your mouth perhaps we should call it “governmental policy”. We all wear big boy and big girl pants around here so terminology shouldn’t be an issue.

Political – or governmental policy is important. It does affect all of us in numerous ways. I believe in small government and maximum personal freedom. I am a Conservative.

If not interested no problem – just skip a proposed article with political content as there will be plenty other choices. After all – it’s a free country, isn’t it?


Yeah – trick question.








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