Friday, January 23, 2015

Lucid Dreaming | Was this my first lucid dream?

Sooo, a couple of days ago while i was at the end of my dream, it was getting dark (the feeling when you know that you'll wake up in a few seconds) so i pressed my hand against each other and it was getting lighter again. But i wasnt really thinking about what i'm doing, it was just a reflex. I also didnt questioned if this was a dream. Sadly i have no idea what happend after that. Maybe i woke up.

Now to the lucid dream i got tonight:

I set my alarm clock 6~ hours after going to bed to try wild. I failed and felt asleep. I still remember what i dreamed but then suddenly i was in the kitchen at my house. There was sitting a girl and i suddenly started to press my hand against each other without thinking anything.( i didnt asked myself if this was a dream or anything, again just a reflex) It was getting light, then dark then light etc. Then i did a RC and succeeded. So i wanted to go out, i've put my shoes on, opened the door and was going down the streets. It felt really vivid except for a few little things at my neighbor's house which doesnt looked the real house. After every couple of meters i saw a yellow/orange light at the end of the road. It felt like the "map" around me is still loading, just like in video games. Maybe my mind was still building everything or something.

Now to the weird part. While doing this all, i wasnt sure if i was really lucid. I said to myself: I doubt that i'm lucid, i'm just dreaming about how it would be like if i really would be lucid.(kinda hard to explain)

I've started to practice going lucid about 2-3 weeks ago, so i have no experience with lucid dreams yet. I practiced a few methods but stayed with dild (from time to time a wild). I'm doing RC / SAT during the day and have a dream yournal.

So what you think? Was that a lucid dream?

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity

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