Monday, January 5, 2015

Lucid Dreaming | Good signs or still far from Lucidy? (Newbie)

Hello, i already discovered Lucidity a few years ago but just about a week ago i found the motivation to try it. Especially after reading many different threads about it.

So i tried it now 4 times with the Wild technique.

Try number 1,2, and 4 were right after going to bed. I've read that its better to do it after 5-7 hours but it also shouldnt be impossible.

First try: my body went numb(or atleast i couldnt feel it), then a light started to appear every ~10-20. After that my heart started to beat pretty fast and i cancelled it because i was a little afraid.

Second try: same as above but i overcome my fear and continued to try. After a while my body started to tingle. After ~30minutes i cancelled.

Third try: Slept ~6 hours (without trying wild before going to sleep) and then woke up and tried to CANWild.(basically wake up without moving). Nothing happened for ~15minutes -

Fourth try: Again right after going to bed. Numb body,tingle,white light & my heart was beating pretty normal. I also often got the feeling that i got "dragged" into the light, very weird feeling but not in a bad way. But nothing happened after that and then i cancelled. Maybe because i moved my eyes while they were closed? (That happens pretty often to me, is there a trick to prevent the eyes from moving?)

While i'm awake i try to do RC's. Maybe about 10x a day. (finger through hand)

So after reading all this... am i doing it right? Are these lights,tingles a good sign? Should i continue to do Wild in the evening instead of in the morning with a few hours of sleep?

I know it can take a while to Lucid dream and i also dont want to complain with this thread, i just want to make sure that i try it correctly.

Greetings :D

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity

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