Monday, January 12, 2015

Lucid Dreaming | Guaranteed Lucid Dreams

Hi Everyone,

It’s been quite a long time since my last post, but hopefully you’ll see it’s not been without a good reason!

Ever since I first discovered lucid dreaming, I found it really frustrating that for such an incredible skill so many of us find it so difficult to learn and there wasn’t a method for reliably and consistently becoming lucid. So many people I met who started learning about the same time as me, ended up giving up because they just weren’t getting results.

So for the last three years, I have been working on a way to change that, the idea was to come up with a guaranteed method for inducing lucid dreams. The system I have developed is called ‘Instant lucid Dreams’, and it has just been through its second open trial, in which 100% of participants successfully had a lucid dream within the first 7 days. After 30 days, participants were having on average (3) lucid dreams per week.

You can read the full set of results of the latest trial here: Instant Lucid Dreams Study

I wanted to share this with you, because I know there will be lots of people still struggling to get those first few lucid experiences, and the sheer volume of techniques, and advice can be a bit overwhelming. All I really wanted when I was starting out was for someone to come along and say ‘if you follow this method you will definitely have a lucid dream’.

Also when I was first learning to lucid dream the people on this forum were really helpful in offering their advice and sharing their experiences, so I want to make a special offer to say thank you. Anyone coming from DreamViews through either link above or this one below to the main page will get 40% off the regular price for Instant Lucid Dreams: Instant Lucid Dreams Offer

I hope this will help more people discover and enjoy this amazing skill.

I’ll keep an eye on this thread too, so please ask me anything you want and I’ll do my best to help.

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity

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