Sunday, January 18, 2015

Lucid Dreaming | Does this count as a Lucid dream?

So yesterday night I perhaps had my first lucid dream ever. I'll tell you what happened and you can decide if it was a lucid dream or a normal dream

-Before sleeping-

I cleared my mind and relaxed while listening to binaural beats.

-In the dream-

I was standing infront of a shower cabin and saw 3 baby turtles on the ground. At this point I was yelling that I had a lucid dream (I was really mad for some reason) but I really didnt know what was going on and I got a really bad headache. Then I summoned vague object (not at will but my dream made me do it) and woke up.

Does this classify as a Lucid dream although I had none/nearly control AND nearly non realization that I was dreaming?

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity

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