Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Lucid Dreaming | I think I'm . . . Making Progress?

I have no special technique for inducing lucid dreams, not even a regular one. I haven't been following up on RCs except maybe once every few days. Really, I have no idea how this happened; I've basically been moving on with my life because lucid dreaming is the last thing on my mind right now. However . . . I think I'm making progress. This is strange because I haven't read about anything like it happening. There was no supernatural feelings, no anything at all! Here's what happened:

I think I was dreaming about something to do with a local store, a car, and some farm animals. Not sure but I think. And then it was morning and I woke up -- but I didn't open my eyes. Instead I decided to go back to sleep to bring back the dream. When I actually succeed in bringing back the dream (I've never done it before) I was sort of half conscious of being asleep and dreaming. Something similar has happened a few weeks ago too, just not as prominent. So is this actually progress, even though none of the 'signals' that you're having a lucid dream happened? Of course I know it wasn't truly a lucid dream, and it only happened for a few minutes, but I was definitely more aware during that time. I think it was because my dad opened my door and it woke me up, but I wanted to stay asleep and was so tired I was capable of bringing back the dream. :)



via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity

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