Sunday, January 11, 2015

Lucid Dreaming | 2015: Year of the Breath, meditation, WBTB, confidence and dedication

I made a 2015 resolucid to work on awareness of the breath throughout this year. I'm slightly leery of making a year-long commitment to something, but I do feel confident that breathing and awareness of breath is a unifying theme in so many areas: meditation, relaxation, mindfulness, that I'm already working on, so it's not much of a stretch.

I will be making updates in this thread to follow my progress.


In particular, a number of times a day, I notice that I'm breathing, take a deep breath, and tell myself "I'm now aware that I'm breathing," and try to maintain that awareness, and make a strong "lucid moment" each time that happens.


In addition, I'm dedicated to daily meditation sessions, wherever I can grab them. Total quiet and lack of disturbance is hard to come by in 30-minute chunks in our crowded/noisy/small home, but I live near a park and figure I can at least go sit under a tree there (or on a bench now since there's snow everywhere). I'm trying to maintain a mindful/meditative mindset all through the day. I'm finding this easier to do for longer periods of time they more I do it.

WBTB: hate it hate it hate it, but there's no denying its effectiveness: fogelbise, Sensei, Canis, Dreamer, you can't go wrong with this veritable Who's Who of awesome LDers who all use frequent WBTB. So I'm going to jump on this bandwagon. Ew! I will learn to looooove WBTB, yessir I will!

Confidence: came across Ctharlie's link to a youtube video about the Lucidipedia guy talking about how he regained and strengthened his LD practice after realizing that endless acquisition of "tips tricks and techniques" was a distraction. Techniques can help to focus *you*, but the *you* is the most important part. *I'm a lucid dreamer!*

Dedication: don't just pay lip service, do all these things! Every day! Stay excited!

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity

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