Thursday, January 1, 2015

Lucid Dreaming | Difficulty Concentrating During MILD

I’ve had a lot of successful MILDs so far, but when I try to do it, my mind usually wanders and I find myself thinking about anything other than my intention to become lucid, as well as becoming lost in daydreams, making it very difficult to focus.

It has nothing really to do with tiredness or falling asleep -- it’s just that other thoughts seem so much more interesting and a lot of the time I just prefer to daydream or think about things that happened during the day etc. Basically anything interesting that takes my attention.

I’ve heard that meditation can be good for this kind of thing, as it helps you to block out interfering thoughts and increases your ability to focus (I think). I have tried meditation but I usually encounter the same difficulty during this as well! I’m also not sure how good of a solution meditation would really be.

Would anyone have any advice?


via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity

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