Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Lucid Dreaming | Easy WBTB method for lazy guys!

Well, if you are a heavy sleeper and you hate to even open your eyes for doing WBTB and getting out of your bed, then this might help you:

you just need to have an alarm to wake you up or just simply do an autosuggestion before sleep that you will wake up spontaneously after some hours of sleep and you WILL...

you don't need to get out of your bed or read something or using bathroom to increase your awareness and to decrease your drowsiness.

JUST, stick your tongue out of your mouth. that's nearly IMPOSSIBLE to fall sleep in that situation. :D

even you may feel hyper-awake by doing this simple work.

you can stay awake as you as want by sticking your tongue out of your mouth....even after backing to your normal situation, you will be awake for extra minutes while you will feel fresh and awake. falling back to sleep is not hard too because your muscles are already relax as you have not moved them a lot.

I hope this help!

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity http://ift.tt/1DYpN0X

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