Thursday, January 8, 2015

Lucid Dreaming | Practicing Mindfulness wrong. Active vs passive awareness.

I have tried quite a few times to practice mindfulness/awareness but eventually a cloud of cog fog envelops my mind and I slowly stop practicing because of fatigue, and soon end up forgetting the whole thing. This is the longest that I've been with it and I want to keep it up, but it's mentally exhausting.

You shouldn't force your mind to be aware, you should allow it to right? I read somewhere that people most mistake paying attention for being aware. Maybe that's what I'm doing.

I look around myself, in a room, outside or wherever I may be, and get a sense of the space that I'm in. A feeling comes to me. I don't really think any thoughts. I don't ask myself if I'm dreaming, or a bunch of other questions, because that distracts me from the feeling. The same feeling I get when I realize I am dreaming. I feel...the emptiness in the room or the vastness of the field, wherever I may be. This is what awareness is, to me. Is that forcing it?

Problem is, the more I do this, the less easier it gets and the more I have to focus and concentrate in order to summon this feeling.

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity

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