Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Lucid Dreaming | Energy Exercises and Lucid Dreams

I will be honest, at the beginning I had no idea what the term Lucid Dream was. I didn’t believe that it is even possible to actually be in a dream and you are totally aware of that. The only think I knew was the term “Astral Projection” and I knew that you leave your body and observe it sleeping while you levitate above it.

Then I got my hands on this amazing book “Astral Dynamics - A New Approach to Out-of-Body Experiences” from Robert Bruce. I studied it and I was amazed from what you can achieve. I set the goal to manage the Astral Projection.

I learned that if I want to Astral Project I need to develop my energy body. I started doing the energy exercises, energy activation, energy rise and stimulation. I didn’t see any results for about 3 months but I felt the effects of the energy as been described in the book.

Then, one day I had my first Lucid Dream and then I learned what it was. Among with Lucid Dreams other strange things occurred while sleeping, like sudden push or pulls, high pitched buzzing, vibrations, flying shadows and some unexpected OBE (Whose I cannot classify if they were Lucid Dream or an actual Astral Projection).

I have seen that each time I do the energy exercises right before sleep, Lucid Dreams occur. Although I cannot have Lucid dreams every day, as long as I practice the exercises the Lucid Dreams are more frequent, longer in duration, more clear and I can do more supernatural activities without making the dream to fade.

Has anyone practiced energy exercises and instead of Astral Projection experienced more Lucid Dreams?

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity

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