Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Lucid Dreaming | What method to attain lucidity in dreams fits me?

Hello Dreamviews again!

I would like to thank you once more for helping me so much on my other threads, it REALLy helped.

This time, I got another problem I want to share,

the last months my goal was to increase dream recall after stopping LDing for more than 5 years.

Finally I made it. The last few nights I have had dreams that are exactly like real life. I can feel,smell, touch, taste, feel pain etc... like real life.

To achieve that I mostly tried to be more aware while awake, making a dream journal, and visualizing my dream before sleeping.

I also tried the anger induced lucid dreaming method that REALLy helped to induce NORMAL dreams and not lucid.


The current problem is that now I want to go 1 step more and turn these normal dreams to lucid dreams.

I usually sleep from 6:30 to 10 hours depending if I have exams or not etc...

I tried reality checks to induce lucid dreams the last 3 days but for some reason I dont do them in my dreams.

I don't take naps unfortunately right now (exams again etc...) so I can't use them.

I got a dream journal and think about my dreams all the time.

I can't use Lucid dreaming applications on my phone or buy a nova dreamer like device etc..

so I need to find a way to induce lucidity without them.

I cant put an alarm to wake up during the night also.


With this info can someone guide me on whats the best to do to induce lucidity in my dreams?

I know most methods but I can't understand what fits me with this info and if there is something I am missing or doing wrong

thanks again,


via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity http://www.dreamviews.com/showthread.php?t=143945&goto=newpost

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