Monday, June 3, 2013

Lucid Dreaming | Should i stick to my sleep schedule?

So for the past week i have been falling asleep at about 10:20 then i wake up at 3:30 and i use the SSILD technique. It usually takes me till about 3:50 to fall back asleep. So far the technique hasn't been working and i actually have difficulty remembering any dreams at all although i remember the dreams i had before the alarm went off and i have a second dream in between the snooze alarm for my second alarm at 6 o'clock. I used to wake up for school at six but lately i have been so tired i just ht snooze and go back to bed. 7 hours of sleep usually makes me feel alert for the whole day but since i started doing WBTB I've been groggy and tired in the morning and most of the day. Is this my body getting used to the new schedule or should i try a different technique? Will SSILD work with more practice? I guess i am mainly wondering if i stick to this schedule will my body get used to it and will i have more success and be less tired?

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity

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