Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Lucid Dreaming | The Pursuit of Happiness

Today I am going to share a concept and a way of thinking that I believe is the path to happiness in life in general.

But it is also the path to lucid dream effortlessely at will and beyond that if you choose. This is what I am going to focus on in this thread.

I just want to point out that I am sharing this partly because I want to make it structured out for my own mind, but primarily because I

like to share the useful knowledge in hope that it will help and bring joy to someone else.

What I am going to share is something that I have slowly started to realize on my own, but today I watched a video of a much more

experienced man that explained it in a way that really made it all click and become crystal clear.

Here is the video:

Here Thomas Campbell talks about Meditation and OBEs however you can associate this information with what benefits you.

If you are not into Meditation and OBEs don't judge it, just use the information and it will be just as valuable to you.

Campbell talks about how people judge a helpful advice just because of the fact that it is a lucid dream (mindcreated place) and not an OBE.

And he say "Does it matter? No if the advice is helpful, why judge it?" - The same goes for this video. And besides I will now try to link this to the lucid dreaming practise anyway. :)

In the beggining of the video a woman describes how she have tried all the different meditation techniques and adds that with one of the techniques she got more interesting results than another, with one she experienced some bright white light. And then she ask the question:

What really is the difference? Is one technique better than another? Is it worth investing money on some technique that seems to work for most people or can I continue to experiment on my own and have the same results or atleast get better at it?

For us oneironauts this is a really good question and I got really excited when she asked that because I knew that the answer would be helpful.

I mean how many times don't we see a thread where someone asks "What lucid dreaming technique is the best?" or "What lucid dreaming technique suits me best?" and people who come up with a "NEW LUCID DREAMING TECHNIQUE", I am guilty for starting a thread of every single one on this forum back when I was a total newbie. :roll:

Here is what Thomas Campbell said, well I will switch the words to make them suit our context:

"All of these forms of lucid dreaming techniques are similar in what they do. Most of the differences in these techniques aren't actually in the techniques themselves, most of the differences is in what YOU bring to it. It's in the way you APPROACH each of these techniques. When you are doing the WILD technique for example you are focused on doing something to induce the lucidity, however when you are using a DILD technique which is reality checked focused and a passive technique in that sense that you don't induce the lucidity directly, you are not focused on doing anything other than just to do a reality check."

So in other words what's important is not what technique you use, but what you feel comfortable doing. And I will explain why now:

The first 13 minutes of the video is very OBE related so if you are interested in that go ahead and watch it. But what I am gonig to explain now starts at

14:45. What he explains here is something that I have really started to realize on my own and this is the secret to result in whatever you are doing.

It might be getting good grades in school or getting strong and muscular by working out or what most of us reading this are interested in learning how to induce a lucid dream.

And the secret is. LET GO OF EGO! as Campbell say "The one thing that will keep you from learning to successfully lucid dream is the fear of that you can't do it. It doesn't work for me, am I doing it right?, is this the right way?, was I lucid or was I not? Fear is the number one blocker."

He then talks about how unpleasant experiences makes people discouraged and stop practise. In the video he relate it to fear in the OBE state but we can relate it to: lucid nightmares, dryspells of recall and lucid dreams, not being able to fall asleep after a WBTB etc.

And the truth is that those things are not something we should avoid, in fact those are the things that are NECESSARY for GROWTH and in a sense you should want them, well atleast want to get them and overcome them. Those are the experiences we need to get through.

And also remember that you need to have a long-term view on this whole thing. You can't think "I am going to try this out for a week and see how it goes.. And if it doesn't work I'll let it go" No because lucid dreaming is just like learning to play an instrument, you can't learn by reading about it, you need experience.

And by viewing the practise in a completely different way you will start to become something rather than trying to do something.

Our Western culture is so used to immediate result and we don't appreciate the journey.

But the truth is that the journey is NECESSARY if we want to evolve.

Think of it this way:

Which person would you rather be, let's say 3 years from now:

A. The person who knows about lucid dreaming and practised it for a few months/ years but decided that it wasn't worth it.


B. The person who lucid dreams every night because you never gave up and are now enjoying the benefits of it.

Ok I am done now although I just want to tell you why I named this thread "The Pursuit of Happiness".

A great man once said "When I am sad I stop being sad and be awesome instead. True Story."

And I want you to ask yourself is there something you are not happy with in your life right now? If there answer is yes. Go fix it!

If it is within your control, which it's mostly is you have the power to fix it, just let go of ego and start working on it and begin the journey to change.

Everything in our world is designed to evolve and I truly believe that personal growth and internal change is what will make us happy.

Sweet dreams (and lives) everyone!

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity http://www.dreamviews.com/showthread.php?t=144124&goto=newpost

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