Thursday, June 6, 2013

Lucid Dreaming | How is my progress? RC Tutorial included

So this is my first real post on the forum, so I figure why not post about my progress, which is somewhat scattered. I started trying to lucid dream about 2 and a half months ago, by creating a dream journal and doing reality checks during the day.

About three weeks ago I had one week where I achieved lucidity (partially?) for a few seconds in my dream. Each dream consisted of me realizing I was dreaming (for no reason or due to being in a place where I shouldn’t be) and me doing reality checks. Although the reality checks resulted in “dream results” it did not make me fully aware, and I tried to go to a place I called the “Lake of Lucidity,” my ideal dream view of a blue/purple lake surrounded by mountains where I can fly, and also my spirit guide resides there. Whenever I closed my eyes I would wake up in real life. I feel I was lucid but not in full control or everything was not completely clear, and each time it lasted for only 3-5 seconds.

My dream recall, although is not as vivid as a lucid dream, has increased to about 6-10 dreams per night (if you’re counting separate dreams as different dream scenes, characters, stories, etc.), but the last two nights I have had only bits and pieces of dreams. I go to bed about 10-11 PM till 530 AM on some days when I work (early shift) and if I don’t have work I may even go to bed at 2-4 AM and sleep for 8 hours.

Here is my small tutorial that I do for reality checks:

1. “Am I dreaming”

a. It is possible as my subconscious reminds me to do RC’s in dreams and real life

2. Look around for anything out of place

a. Use the 5 senses

3. Look for Dream Signs

4. Do reality checks

a. Fingers through palm

b. Nose breathing

i. Intent that you are dreaming and expect dream results

5. Make a determination

a. If it were a dream, how would it be different

i. What would you do?

6. Mantra to do all of this in your dreams

However, I do the reality checks a lot at work (I have a lot of dreams work-related) but throughout the day I somehow lost that “motivation” and excitement. Does everyone think I should be doing anything differently besides doing reality checks more in the day? I do keep a dream journal by the way! And does anyone think that by now i should have had more progress?

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity

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