Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Lucid Dreaming | Why in most Dreams, when I'm dreaming, I fail to Lift my hands and Look at them?

I've only had about 2 lucids and in those lucids i did lift my hands and put them in front of me and look at them. But 2 lucids in 3 years.... That's tons of nights when I didn't look at my hands(or at the mirror or anything).

Why is it? Why I can't THINK in my dream and remember to look at my hands?

I do alot of mantras and meditation in waking life telling myself that i will remember to do it.

Are some people justs don't have a good memory and that's why we don't remember to do it?

Maybe that's the difference between people who h ave daily Lucids and people who don't.

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity

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