Saturday, November 22, 2014

Lucid Dreaming | Practicing SSILD and MILD for 30 days

As i was satisfied of practicing SSILD for 30 days and i got good results on dream recall and vividness, i want to practice SSILD with MILD for another 30 days to achieve constant LDs.

I think by gradually increasing the awareness everyday, having LD is not determined by chance any more and it would be more predictable.

every one is welcome to join!!!!:):):)

the technique:

1- doing the SSILD cycles

2- after each 2 to 3 cycles, we should think about a dream we had before and then we visualize we are lucid in that dream.

3- we continue step 1 and 2 until we fall sleep.

to prevent falling sleep prematurely, you can raise your arm and do the step 1 and 2 and 3. Then allow your arm to fall and do some extra cycles and then sleep.

good luck:D

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity

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