Thursday, November 6, 2014

Lucid Dreaming | Experimented with SSILD to get the feeling, had pretty interesting experiences...

Now the very first thing I'll say, is that I did not WBTB before doing this. It was during a nap around noon this morning. I just thought I'd try doing cycles to see what I get. I wasn't expecting that much.

So I started doing cycles, mostly in random order as I could not remember exactly what order to do them in. It did keep me aware however. After a while my hands started getting heavy, and while I could feel my bedsheets, I could not feel the texture of it anymore. The hand laying on my head was almost as if it was floating in space in a cocoon.

Amongst the patterns of light in my eyes, I got flashes of imagination, mostly random. It was hard to concentrate during this period. I eventually flashed to a dream scene where I was in my hometown, flying towards a water tower. I then went inside the water tower, and the water tower turned into a rotating restaurant sign. Right after that, I felt almost a zap, and that dream ended. I had a few more dreams during this, but was never able to enter them.

In the end, I got up, did a few reality checks (which said I wasn't dreaming), and then wrote them all down in the dream journal.

These dreams, while quite defined, were almost like daydreaming. I didn't feel in any way like I was in the dream at all. I could still feel I was in my bed.

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity

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