Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Lucid Dreaming | What if we do this?

This might be a stupid post.. but I decided to do it anyway, maybe it's worth something. It's probably not anything you haven't heard before, but what if we adopt the mindset of always, or as often as we can, looking out for weird things in our environment, and doing a quick, effective RC whenever we notice something out of the ordinary?

In theory, this would form a habit, if you do it enough times per day with enough attention and awareness, habit which would carry over in our dreams, which are usually (for most people) full of strange things and events, and trigger lucidity via the RC. I know some people already do this as a side thing, but what if we make it the main thing, or very close, very important?

Of course, since most people's lives aren't filled with constant nonsensical events like a lot of dreams are, we would have to lower our standards for what's considered "out of the ordinary". Such as a person saying something we don't quite understand completely, a misplaced object, a strange looking image, a sudden problem of any magnitude, etc. Whenever that happens, notice that something's strange, (I like to say in my head "that's weird, am I dreaming right now?) and quickly pinch your nose and try to breathe (maybe it's better to try at least 3 exhales? I'm saying because I had the nose pinch RC fail me a couple times in dreams before, I only tried exhaling once when it failed), or try to push your finger through something solid like a wall or your other hand (or both, to be more sure), and if you're in public or somewhere you can't afford to randomly hold your nose and put your hands on things, do a mental RC, like try to make an object float, or change color or shape.

Worth mentioning that, as with most techniques that require your attention throughout the day, it would take a while to get into the habit of noticing things that are out of the ordinary, it would be easy to let strange things go unnoticed and unchecked with a RC. Whenever that happens, I think it would be a good memory exercise to think back of the events that happened earlier and try to identify anything weird and then do a RC.

So yeah.. what do youse think? Worth trying or waste of time?

p.s. I don't think it would require a lot of awareness in order for someone to notice a weird thing in their dreams, because it happened to me before and I am godawful at DILDs, which rely a lot on awareness/self awareness, and I also did very few RCs when I noticed something weird, throughout a period of 3 weeks.

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity http://ift.tt/1vJuesY

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