Monday, November 10, 2014

Lucid Dreaming | BE a Lucid Dreamer

I think that I have discovered not only what keeps people from having Lucid Dreams but also how to break the cycle and become a successful LDer. I've have heard other ideas that danced around this idea both on YouTube and on this site. However, I have never heard anyone articulate it quite the way I realized it tonight. This idea is so deceptively simple you may be inclined to blow it off, but I encourage you to really mull it over and see how you could start to use this for yourself.

A little intro first... I've been hearing a lot that techniques don't work, that we need to learn mindfulness instead. But why don't they work? Many of these techniques promise to teach us mindfulness, so how can they be bad? Then it hit me; even just having the idea that we need a technique is setting ourselves up for failure!

We only need a technique if LD is hard. If LD is hard then it is because we are struggling against something to become lucid. The only force that we could be struggling against is our own mind. We are setting up a battle in our own mind. We are fighting ourselves and thus can never win.

If we allow ourselves to believe that LD is unnatural or difficult then we are feeding that information directly into our subconscious. We are telling our mind that the conscious and subconscious must battle each other for control. This way we are almost guaranteed to never become lucid because our conscious mind is turned off during sleep and now our subconscious mind is actively seeking to keep it that way. If we do succeed in becoming lucid we find other difficulties. We lack stability and dream control, our DC are hostile, we end up waking up, or we simply lose lucidity again.

What if we taught our whole brain, the conscious and subconscious, to work together to actively achieve lucidity?! So far I only have a very basic theory on how to achieve this. I believe it can be done through auto-suggestion/meditation/self-hypnosis. Whatever you want to call it.

For the next month I will be doing a collective of one hours mantra meditation per day. I say collective because I may not be able to do it all at once. So I may do 30 min in the morning and 30 min at night, or maybe six 10 min intervals throughout the day. Just so long as it's at least one hour. The key idea I will be focusing on is that "Lucid Dreaming is easy because my mind wants to be lucid."

I will tell myself things like:

My dreams want me to be lucid.

My dream characters want me to be lucid.

I always know when I'm dreaming.

My dreams help me to become lucid.

I would really love if other people joined in and gave their feedback. I want to know things like:

How long you meditated.

How you meditated.

What ideas you focused on.

When you meditated.

What your LD rate was before and after.

If you noticed and increase in LD.

How quickly you noticed the increase.

If you were using any other new methods at the same time (preferably not).

If you noticed a change in the length of your LD.

If you noticed a change in how much control you had in your LD.

If there was a change in your dream vividness and/or recall.

Let me know your opinions, feedback, further ideas below!!!

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity

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