Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Lucid Dreaming | Balance: For those having trouble with Lucid Dreaming and related stuff.

I think that a lot of people view Lucid Dreaming as a magical way to alter reality and do whatever they want. They initially get very excited and start practicing reality checking and dream journaling. They may even have a couple Lucid Dreams that get them thinking they can do this with no problems. They become cocky. These same people will eventually run into problems attaining lucidity. This is normal. When this happens we can do one of a few things.

Take a closer look at your waking life Do you view Lucid Dreaming as an alternative way to live? You have to be careful. You don't want your brain to view Lucid Dreaming as a threat. Do your meditate? Do you drink too much? Do you take mind altering drugs regularly? Do you live a healthy life style? Do you have healthy relationships? I found that being balanced in waking life yielded positive results in dreams.

Get rid of problems Fight to get rid of those taxing and nagging issues you're dealing with.

"I don't know what to do with my life"

"I want to move out"

"I don't have a girlfriend / boyfriend"

"I'm not good enough"


Don't think lucid dreaming can help you with these issues, there are simple ways of solving them, and I recommend you do it right away!

Lucid Dreaming is taxing in your body and if you have unresolved issues, then your brains may be trying to solve or deal or cope with them in your sleep. This is a problem. Try to be a better person everyday, in any way. Maybe be less selfish, make new friends (Even E friends count), go out and treat your self to a movie or a massage, do something for a loved one, etc.

Who knows maybe if you listen to this advice you'll start to manifest someone in your dream that will aware you that you're dreaming!

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity

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