Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Lucid Dreaming | How do i stop myself from getting scared awake?

i've had a long dry spell from lucid dreaming, i've finally managed to experience two spontaneous DILDS but both times as soon as i became aware i was lucid dreaming i felt terrified all of a sudden and voluntarily shake myself awake.

The first time i had this fear i was going to see a monster (despite all i saw was the bottom of a bridge made out of bricks and grass)

The second recent time i attained lucidity i was standing in the middle of my old high school, it was empty but i still felt afraid like last time. then i saw a dream character looking at me from a window it looked like a card board cutout cartoon character with an afro (in retrospect they didn't look scary but in the dream i felt terrified of it) and looking at me as soon as i saw it i got scared and shook my body until i woke up.

I've spent so long feeling frustrated i couldn't lucid dream for what felt like forever but now i finally start having i'm too terrified to stay inside them :(

The point is does anyone have any advice for how i can calm myself down once i attain lucidity?? Also how to handle dream characters that scare me?? thanks

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity

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