Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Lucid Dreaming | Incubation RC

I don't know if anyone else has already made a thread about this, but I'm sorry if there is one already.

OK so I was thinking about dream incubation today, and how it could help a lot with dream control or if you want to go to a certain place or meet a certain person. Then an idea suddenly hit could use incubation as an RC! I then remembered threads about incubating dream signs, and the VILD technique (which is basically just incubating a certain room into your dreams to get you lucid) My thoughts on those were that with the dream signs, those couldn't be everywhere with you in the dream, and I thought that for the VILD you wouldn't be able to dream about a single place in all your dreams because all my dreams happen in very different places every time. (I could be wrong, these are just my thoughts and how I feel)

So anyways what if you started to visualize something that was on you that you could use a constant RC. For example, I thought of using a watch with the words "I'm Dreaming" written where the time should be. You may be thinking that that wouldn't be a constant RC, because you'd have to look at the watch to become lucid and you can't constantly be looking at your watch. But what if you incubate the feeling of the watch on your wrist as well? (Or any other item you may want to use) Then whenever you feel the watch you'd look at your wrist and become Lucid.

Of course, you'd still have to look at your wrist throughout the day and see if it is there so if you don't feel the watch in your dreams, you can still spontaneously look at it. I'd couple this with traditional RC's in the beginning, and slowly do less and less of those until this method starts to get me lucid every night.

You could also meditate on the image of this watch on your wrist to implement it even more.

What do you guys think of this technique? I would just go ahead and do it, but I want to see if this would actually work so I don't waste a ton of time working on a method that takes me to a dead end.

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity

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