Monday, November 17, 2014

Lucid Dreaming | My lucid dreams are becoming increasingly deceptive

It seems lately my lucid dreams are becoming so so so realistic, ordinary and vivid that I can hardly convince myself that it's really a dream. This night I became lucid while watching outside a window of my room, but what happened next was unexpected. I tried dozens of reality checks to confirm it to myself but they all failed?!

Looked at my hands, nothing special here.

Tried to put my finger through my hands, nope.

Tried to breathe to my nose while I pinched it with my fingers, nope.

Tried to recall when I had waken up, I did in my dream.

etc. etc.

Has anyone experienced this extreme deceptiveness from your own dream?

Expectations influence it heavily but my expectations failed me this time.

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity

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