Saturday, November 8, 2014

Lucid Dreaming | Should I change anything to become lucid?

I am wondering if I should attempt to use methods such as WILD, DEILD, and many others to lucid dream. I've never looked at them really, but I often see people saying they are going to try one of the different methods. Are they doing it to see what is best for them or to simply experiment? I've always felt like how you get there isn't important, it's actually the dreaming part that's the 'awesome' part, which is why I never cared to look. But maybe that's not true?

For the past few years, I have dreamed lucid every month or so. That has increased to about weekly or more in recent months, happening in about half or 1/3 of my dreams (on school nights and weekends when I have an alarm to wake up and immediately get up I tend to forget or just not lucid dream). Should I rely on the steady increase that has been happening or should I try to learn new techniques to make it happen possibly more reliably? I just don't want to try something new and then have difficulty attaining lucidity in the way that I once did. I don't want to mess with something that's working (depending on what you would consider "working"). And to clarify, my method is just "waking up" when I feel I'm more alert in my dream or want to change something. It always feels pretty smooth and easy.

Maybe instead I should just put focus on writing in a dream journal so I can remember them more often. What do you think?

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity

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