Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Lucid Dreaming | Wild help?! (wtf)

Okay so I woke up at around 4am as I was attempting a DEILD we'll I than noticed it wasn't going to work tonight so I got up used the bathroom and went to bed to attempt WILD. Well I than layed in bed for a few minutes and tried to relax while counting in my head. Well eventually it seemed as if I could hear a faint ringing in my left ear ( it seemed as if I was imagining it but than again it felt pretty real) eventually I started seeing a few lights fly by in my eye lids. I eventually stopped and turned over on my side because I thought wild wasn't working. About 3 mins later I turned back on my back and actually tried to sleep but still aware. I didn't notice I was drifting off until the numbers I was imaging seemed very vivid for a second and started to see a light hanging from a ceiling! I was sure my eyes were closed and the light seemed very vivid but it wasn't turned on. So I figured I was starting to dream and tried to make the image take over, but as soon as I thought that it went away! I'm not sure if I'm crazy and imagined the whole thing or if I was really about to WILD ); PLease help

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity http://ift.tt/1qo6Az4

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