Sunday, June 15, 2014

Lucid Dreaming | Need help testing my self hypnosis recordings for LD

I am teaching myself self hypnosis, and covering things here:

Hi-Tech Headache: Self Hypnosis

I now have a number of audio tracks, freely available at Soundcloud, that can be used to hypnotize you, then program you to become conscious and lucid in your dreams. This latest one, "Lucid Dreaming and OBE Self Hypnosis Script 2" is really trippy, but the visualization is a bit clunky. Here are the links:

I just want some feedback. If you tried any of them, which ones did you try, and of those, which of them worked for you? Is there anything in a specific track you would see changed or improved in some way? Which track, and what part?

Essentially I want to sharpen this like an ancient Japanese swordmaster would sharpen a blade. That is I want these tracks to be efficient and %100 successful with %100 percent of the subjects who listened to them.

I know that's a pretty high goal, but I will consider myself successful if I only manage to come close to it. For now it gives me a standard I want to reach, a bar of excellence to strive for. Your feedback is invaluable in my learning and improving process.

On a side note... My latest track, Lucid Dreaming and OBE SHS 2 did something kinda weird. I encountered this once befoer after an astral projection session. When I finished I asked some questions, and recorded some EVP responses. Not because there are spirits around the house, but I guess because they can get through easier from over there, wherever that is, when someone from this side has gone over and returned. That's my theory for now anyway.

Well in this latest track I heard something like a squeak or a baby giggling? I went over it in Audacity - found nothing. I heard it loud and clear on my MP3 player, and playing the same part over I could not hear it anymore. My guess is something did something like what they do when voices come through over a radio scanning through frequencies. Spirit energy just used the pink noise of the track and made this sound for whatever reason. So just be aware that you might hear sounds or voices as you listen to this.

If you do get stuff like that going on, let me know. If it happens to the point it is too distracting I will have to figure out what is being used by spirit energy and no use it in my recordings. it's very distracting to in a hypnotic trance and hear strange stuff coming through.

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity

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