Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Lucid Dreaming | “Knowing” vs “Thinking” you’ll lucid dream and Programing your mind to do so.

I was reading an article about The Matrix and Lucid Dreaming, when an ad in the side column caught my attention. “Why do some people master Lucid Dreaming while others sleep through the fog?” This question has always plagued me, though not in those exact words, so I clicked on the ad and read through the preview of “The Lucid Dreaming Fast Track.” (Don’t worry I didn’t buy it. However, after reading, if it were cheaper, I think it would be a good buy)

In the snippet, Rebecca, the author, proclaims that Lucid dreaming is NOT hard, but that it is an “intuitive change in mindset”. I vehemently agree with this. I cannot tell you how many times I have had lucid dreams simply because I went to bed KNOWING that I was going to have one.

“Don’t think you are, know you are.” - Morpheus

She goes on to say that those who sleep through the fog simply haven’t been able to separate the inaccurate information about Lucid Dreaming from the truth. So what is the TRUTH? Is it the “intuitive change in mindset?” In other words, “knowing” 100% that you will have one? Or something else?

Awareness (reality checks), Dream Journal (and dream signs), Techniques (from MILD to WILD), Prospective Memory (and consistency), Meditation (and visualization), Passion (and dedication).

All of these are potent ingredients that lead to Lucid Dreams, but naturals don’t consciously think about this stuff on the same level as non-naturals. Lucid dreamers who are naturals just know…. LDs are as normal to them as normal dreams are to non-lucid dreamers. Why?

I know some naturals subconsciously do a lot of these things (like asking themselves where they are as an awareness/reality check), but I feel like their brains are wired a certain way (not to say that we non-naturals can’t rewire our brains to think the same way, to become natural lucid dreamers).

At times I feel like I am on the verge of becoming “natural”. Sometimes, I just "know". It’s really hard to explain, but it’s as if my dream-self simply “decides” to become lucid. I think it might have something to do with the fact that I am starting to be able to differentiate between reality and the dream world. Sometimes I act really nonchalant when I realize it’s a dream, almost as if the realization had been mulling over in my mind while I was non-lucid. It may be paradoxical or not even make sense, but that’s the best way I can explain it. :/

Also, if you can control what you dream about before you sleep, (preprogramming a dream, which I do all the time), can’t you pre-program your mind to lucid dream in the very same way? In other words, tell yourself you will have a lucid dream, see yourself having a lucid dream and most importantly believe and know you will have a lucid dream. But then again, I guess this would be Mantra/MILD right? I think a big factor that determines success here is your excitement/passion to have one.

Hopefully I haven’t gotten too lost in my own thoughts. Has anyone experimented with preprogramming your mind for Lucid Dreaming? Is there anyone who has experienced this “intuitive change in mindset” from a non-lucid dreamer, “sleeping in the fog”, to a master of Lucid Dreams? If so, what caused you to change the way you go about trying to Lucid Dream?

Of course I'd also love to hear other comments if something else I wrote caught your attention! :D

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity

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