Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Lucid Dreaming | Simple way to do WBTB?

Can someone please explain in full detail but in a simple way how to do the WBTB technique?

- When do I wake up?

- What do I do when I wake up?

- Do I stay up for at least 20 mins just like most of the tutorials?

- What do I do in the time I'm awake?

- When I go back to sleep, do I do some other induction technique like MILD or WILD?

- Is WBTB an easy and/or common way to induce lucid dreams?

- If you've had an LD with this technique, give me your personal experience with WBTB and how you managed to make it successful in inducing LDs.

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity

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