Monday, June 30, 2014

Lucid Dreaming | Having a bunch of Semi-Lucid Dreams

So lately I am having a bunch of semi lucid dreams where I do a reality check like blowing my nose while plugged, but I don't fully become lucid. Like I might even think to myself, "Holy crap im lucid dreaming" and I even do things like rubbing my hands together to make the dream more stable, but I don't actually do anything besides thinking how cool it is that I am dreaming.

Also, last night I had a dream where I was dreaming and then fell asleep and had a dream within a dream. In the sub dream, I became semi lucid by doing a reality check, but I didn't do anything besides feeling the enviroment to stabalize the dream. Then I woke up from the sub dream and in the first level dream realized I had a lucid dream, but thought that I was awake.

Any tips on how to become fully lucid even after doing a reality check?

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity

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