Sunday, June 15, 2014

Lucid Dreaming | What happened?

I remember going to sleep at 10:30pm and I became paralized. My body was shaking, it was getting stronger and stronger. I started to hear a voice, I didn't want to open my eyes because I didn't want to see any scary hallucinations. I knew I was in my own bed but in my 'dream' I was in my mothers room sleeping on her bed. It was like I was in a half-awake, half-dreaming state. I could still feel the vibrations. They became really intense. The voice returned and It was my mother. She was trying to wake me up from the sleep paralysis on her bed. She was shaking me to wake up. I woke up in her bed and said thank you for getting me out of sleep paralysis then I immediately fell back into SP but this time I was in my own bed and I knew I wasn't dreaming anymore. I got myself out of SP, I woke up and it was only 11pm.

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity

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