Saturday, June 21, 2014

Lucid Dreaming | Someone has an online paid service that promises to make you a Lucid Dreamer

I wanted some feedback and opinions from you guys here, because this is probably the best place to ask on the Internet in regards to Lucid Dreaming.

I found an ad online that was selling a unique service. They said that they could hypnotize you over Skype (said that you need video of yourself so they can do it properly) and give you the ability to Lucid Dream. Here is a quote from their marketing thread on the forum: "I would make it so that you will only lucid dream the nights that you say a certain word, sentence, or do a very specific action before falling asleep such as snapping both fingers or saying "Tonight I will lucid dream". The command is entirely up to you."

Is this even possible? I'm very skeptical of this. I've always been a person that loses motivation after doing something for a few weeks, so this sounds like it would be the most perfect thing ever. But, it sounds too good to be true. Can you guys tell me if this is a legit service or not?

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity

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