Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Lucid Dreaming | Weird LD experience

hello everyone, today I had a very weird experience when I was trying to do WILD, I got in SP as I usually get and then I was out of my physical body, in this part, I am very confused about, was it a OBE? or WILD? because, when I was out I was in my room and to make sure I am not awake I did RC (Reality Check) , the weirdest part is here, When I looked at my finger they were in order instead of dissorted! they were a little bit blur though, then when I got out of my room I started to go down using the stairs, on the way down I jumped, to check I can fly or not, I dropped back on the stairs just as it was real, so I thought that, I was awaken. I went downstairs and I found a guy who lives in my house is praying there and then I woke up and found out I was not awaken at all. Later almost instantly I tried to LD again and this time I succeed, but, what abt the one before? what was it? I also went down after having all of my experiences and I asked another person about the guy I saw during my dream or OBE, but she told me that, he went out a long time ago. So, what was it? a dream? where RC didn't work? or OBE? where I couldn't fly and someone was there, when he wasn't actually there in that vary time? What was it? please some one enlighten me by their knowledge, I am still learning, there is a lot more to know, thanks for reading and feel free to share anything you feel abt my experience, Good day everybody :)

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity http://ift.tt/TDM5kv

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