Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Lucid Dreaming | Possible RC for people who play a lot of games?

First let me explain why, and then i will explain how.

Why: My clearest dream sign is anything that has anything to do with games/gaming. As a result in many of my dreams it feels like i am in a game. I wanted to create a personal RC that would work great with me. So i thought to myself: ''what is common in my dreams, AND games?''. The answer was simple; a menu. By trying to ''summon'' a menu, this has 2 amazing feautures. 1: Seems like it could be a very good RC for attaining lucidity. 2: This can be used in a dream to help you do specific actions while lucid.

How: I was thinking you swiping your middle and index finger downwards, while visualizing a menu appearing in front of you. My menu would have atleast 4 buttons, those being: Resume dream, Summon DC, Change dream location and stabilize dream.

Could this be a valid RC? Sorry for the terrible formatting, i am still new to this.

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity

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