Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Lucid Dreaming | Explain how my first LD happened?

Ok, I had my first lucid dream last summer and I've been wanting to know why and how I got that LD. I'll give you all the details. So, first thing I remember was I woke up early during REM sleep and I decided to listen to some binaural beats. I only listened to one and I couldn't sleep while listening to it so I just took my headphones off and went to sleep normally. The first thing I remember in the dream was being in a big beach all by myself. Ok, here comes the weird, funny part: I saw Peter Griffin from Family Guy running around being chased by some sort of big animal that I couldn't recognize. He started yelling to me "You're dreaming! Do a reality check!" over and over. So I looked at my fingers and they looked funny so I knew I was lucid dreaming then. I then spun around and the whole scene changed. I ended up in some random neighborhood I've never been in. I just walked down the street trying to take in the whole experience. There were a lot of cars on the road and I saw a lot of people mowing their lawns. I then wanted to try if I can teleport somewhere and I just thought of something random like a bathroom. I then ended up in it for some reason. And then I woke up. Since then, I've only had one other lucid dream and I still couldn't figure out how I got it. So can anyone explain to me how I got this lucid dream?

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity

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