Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Lucid Dreaming | Help developing a solid daily routine for DILDs

Hey guys,

It's been a while since I've been active on this forum, but I wanted to give Lucid Dreaming another shot (got overwhelmed last time, decided to take a break). I want to stick with it and put in the hard work, because I know that's the only way I will reach my goal. There really is no "shortcut," sadly.

But I need your help. I'm specifically going for DILDs; however, I am completely lost as to what I should be doing in my daily routine. I'm split between self-awareness (mainly Sageous) and ADA (KingYoshi). I read this thread to get an idea of where I should be focusing my energy or what I should practice for awareness, but it seems to have confused me more. Yoshi made great points, so did Sageous and others. But I'm just a noob, so I can't relate to what they were saying too well.

My current daily routine involves me practicing Yoshi's ADA. I simply take in everything, not really question it. I just take everything in. After doing this, I'll ask questions along the lines of:

  • How did I get here?

  • What was I doing ten minutes ago?

  • Why am I here?

  • Where will I be in fifteen minutes?

Am I practicing awareness correctly? I want to get a solid daily routine to get to my DILD goal. The hard part is figuring out what my daily routine needs to consist of.

And for anyone who does practice KingYoshi's ADA, have you developed the ability to become Lucid by simply knowing it is a dream state? KingYoshi says that is the purpose behind his ADA, to simply "know" your dreaming and to be Lucid all the time. This sounds wonderful, but again there's people who claim this to not work.

Thanks, hope the post made sense (pretty tired)!

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity http://ift.tt/1o1MAiB

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