Sunday, June 29, 2014

Lucid Dreaming | What would an "ideal" sleep schedule for lucid dreaming be?

I can afford to go to sleep and wake up at, basically, any time for the next few weeks. To maximize my chances of getting a lucid dream (with the help of whatever induction technique I'll pick), what sleep schedule would you recommend? I'm willing to wake up multiple times during the night, and I'd rather not take more than one nap during the afternoon (no polyphasic sleep). When should I go to sleep, how often/when should I wake up for a WBTB, and when should I wake up for good?

Right now, I go to sleep at 11:30pm and wake up at 8:00am, with a WBTB at 5:30 combined with attempts at WILDing.

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity

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