Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Lucid Dreaming | Tradl3s's Mantra Personal FAQ

Hello, everybody. I haven't been active for a while, besides the occasional quick replies, but i have decided that most, if not all of my best Lucid Dream/Dream Recall moments have been best while i use Mantras.

I know that, with my experience, alot of questions about Mantras don't really get answered that well. So whether or not you want to call this a FAQ, or a Tutorial is up to you. Then again, i don't really know everything about Mantras. Or Lucid Dreaming in general, for that matter. Anyways, Let's get started.

First i'm going to begin with alot of the things that people generally get confused about. Chances are, after being on DV long enough, you understand the basic idea of what Mantras are. If not, i will get to that.

-"Am i supposed to say the mantra(s) in my head, or out loud?"

Well, In your head would make more sense, and speaking out loud generally makes you lose focus to begin with.

-"When would be the best time to use mantras?"

Usually either in the morning, WBTB Time (After only 4-6 hours of sleep), Or when meditating. Which is also a very good skill to have with Mantras. And Lucid Dreaming in general :)

-"Mantras haven't been working for me. Am i saying it right?"

It kinda depends on what your using Mantras for. Let's say you want to improve your Dream Recall. Instead of saying something like "I always remember my dreams in the morning" Try to keep it simple. Say something like "I remember what i dream".

-"How many times do i say the mantra i'm using?"

Generally as much as your comfortable with. If you can do it alot, then go at it. If you can only do a little, that's fine too. Just remember to do it. Kinda a similar problem with Reality Checking/ADA.

-"Can i use more than one mantra at a time?"

It can work, but it is generally better if you just use one multiple times for a while until it takes affect. As i have heard, the subconscious works on repetitiveness in a way. If you feel there's a bit of a problem with the one your using, or you just don't like the ring to it, you can change it up a bit. Just try not to do that too much.

On another note, some people could find more use of it if they say it as if they are having a conversation for themselves. For example, saying "You" instead of "I". Everybody is different.

If you know a thing or two about Binaural Beats/Isochronic Tones, they help alot if you put in a low Alpha State. Or without them, It is best if you use mantras while in an apha state.

An Alpha state is pretty much the state you're in when you're drowsy/sleepy.

Any further questions? Feel free to PM me. Or leave a reply.

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity http://ift.tt/1mFUZF2

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