Thursday, June 26, 2014

Lucid Dreaming | Almost there

Hi Dreamviews

I've known about LD for a few years, but hasn't really put the effort in it before a few weeks ago. 10 days ago I realized I was dreaming for a few seconds, and woke up - there we're some flashing for my eyes.

2 days ago I was in a dream where this happened again. I was laying on a couch in a small camping house (I've watched Eminem 8 Mile before I went to sleep, and the camping house could have been from this, I think?) My phone started to ring. My grandparents where talking to me, but they're dead (IRL), so I glanced at the phone and the contact that called me was named "Troll". So I attained lucidity, and got really excited. I wanted to do a RC and look at my hands, but my eyes was fighting me, they were really hard to keep open, and it there was some flashes too like staring at the sun.

I started to spin to gain awareness, and after the spin I walked outside and flew a few meters over the ground, but fell back to the ground again fast like a astronaut without gravity.

After 30 seconds I woke up, and I've realized this was my first LD.

Is it normal to gain lucidity in these strange ways? I mean the dream plot is absurd, and what is going on with my eyes in the dream?

Kind regards

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity

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