Thursday, April 24, 2014

Lucid Dreaming | What I've found works for Me.

Hi everyone,

I haven't really been on here for quite a few months and have learned a little more about how to Lucid Dream on a nightly basis, I've also come up with a couple of ideas that may help some of you get Lucid more often so wanted to share them.

I was last regularly posting on here about 8 months ago and at that time found a way I could LD on a nightly basis so wrote a post about it. The only problem was as I had been trying quite a few things, I couldn't be sure what was working and what wasn't and as I was getting such success, I didn't want to rock the boat and change anything. After not really trying to LD for some time though, I've found out what it was that was working and what was not.

The reason I Haven't been trying to LD the last few months isn't because I lost interest in them (How could you) but because I have been into something else and that has been consuming my thoughts. I had one of those LDs that just stands out and grabs your attention though and it sucked me straight back in, so thought I'd try the things I was doing before one at a time to see what it was that was working and weed out the rest.

The first night I naturally WBTB and without getting up, turned on my back and said to myself with conviction I'm Dreaming, this is a LD, etc... and tried to MILD as I used to before, fell back to sleep and didn't have a Lucid.

I tried this for 5 nights and never got Lucid, I know 5 nights doesn't sound like much but to me it's long enough to know this isn't working so I started trying Reality Checks throughout the day. I also had noticed my Dreams were not what they used to be, they were many and vivid but I could only remember bits and pieces of them, so thought I'd start writing a Dream Journal (which I'd managed to get away with not keeping one before, only having to write my Lucid's down).

The night I was going to write in the DJ though I couldn't be bothered so instead went over the Dream I'd just had in my head, I then did that for all the Dreams I had that night and it worked just as well as writing in the DJ, my Dream recall went up and they've became much more vivid again so worth a try for people who don't like writing in a DJ.

I had a Lucid on the sixth night but that was just a random one and then none for the next 3 nights.

On the 10th day I decided to start Prospective Memory again as this was what I thought had a lot to do with regular LDing before but wasn't sure. That night I naturally WBTB, turn on my back and say to myself with conviction I will remember when I am Dreaming, I do this a few times and let myself fall to sleep and find myself in a non Lucid Dream, after a minute or so I realize I'm Dreaming and become Lucid, success!

I try this for the next 5 nights and become Lucid the same way every night so pretty conclusive that for me (And if it works for me it will work for others) Prospective Memory significantly improves MILD attempts so well worth trying if you haven't already.

I've also found that I wake at the same time everyday for WBTB, then wake again around 1 hour later having had a Lucid in that time so I must be hitting my REM period nicely. If some of you have not been successful with WBTB maybe it's because you're just missing your REM phase, try changing your alarm half hour later or earlier and see if it makes a difference.

Lastly I wanted to try to think of a way to get some DILDs earlier in the night so I could get Lucid in the night instead of waiting for the early morning (might as well try to get in as much as possible) and came up with something simple. I just RC every time I realize I'm in different surroundings, for instance I'll be in the kitchen and RC, then at some point I'll realize I'm outside and RC and so on. My thoughts behind this is that Dream scenery can be rather changeable and it gives you a few chances each Dream to hopefully click on you're Dreaming. So far I've had a couple of DILDs from this in only a few days so it's looking promising.

Thanks for reading.

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity

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