Saturday, April 5, 2014

Lucid Dreaming | Almost there I can feel it!

Hey everyone.

This is my first time here.

I wont go into to much detail about my life and experiences so far, but I have been attempting lucid dreaming for some time now with very limited success.

I have always been very good at dream recall ever since I was a child. I love dreams, I find them fascinating and sometimes just take a nap just to have a dream.

I can recall them in amazing detail, sometimes 2-3 a night.

In my journey in learning how to lucid dream I have started keeping a dream journal and carrying out reality checks for some time.

Using my journal I have managed to discover a dreamsign which is my moms house.

I moved out of my moms house over 2 years ago now but when I dream I always seem to be back there in one way or another.

I figured that this was my dreamsign and I go to sleep every night saying to myself that next time I dream and I am back home I will do a reality check..... But I never do.

So far I have had maybe 3 lucid dreams. 1 of them I seemed to have full control and it was AMAZING! I could do anything and I was like a kid in a playground. another dream I managed to escape from a nightmare by becoming lucid and realising it was a dream. and the last one I had was recent I became lucid and floated out of my body and I was in my flat. I was walking around my flat but I was consious I was dreaming. Everything was hazy and I could not focus on anything. I remember walking to my bathroom and looking at myself in the mirror and trying to focus on my face but couldnt.... Anyway I digress,

I am just looking for some guidance.

I feel there is something in my dreams that I need to discover. Something is willing me to discover but I cant quite get there.

If I am doing everything that is recommended, dream recall, dream journal, reality checks, identifying dream signs... WHat else am I missing?

Thanks everyone.

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity

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