Thursday, April 3, 2014

Lucid Dreaming | How long to reach dream state after not moving?

So last night i tried for the first time, the wild technique.

I didn't get that far and i understand it was only my first try and heres how far i got.

So i closed my eyes and found the most comfortable position i could.

i then kept saying my mantra , " im in a dream, im in a dream"

then idk if this is what i was suppose to do or not but in my head i was imaging me and kate upton in a beach like i was physically there.

After doing that for a while nothing was happening so i just continued my mantra and didnt move.

( at this point its been over like 15 minuts and i havent moved.)

So after about 20 minuts, i start to see white sparkles on my eyelids like how you see when you rub your eyes somtimes.

at this point i had that feeling of not being able to move, ( not sleep paralysis, ive had that alot but it wasnt that )

its like u can move if u wanted to but u havent moved in so long that it just feels weird.

and this is the farthest i got.

Does anybody get the white sparkles or swirles in the beggining of trying wild? also is it good to imagine ur physically somwear like a beach or just mantra , or both?

i was in the state of seeing those white sparkles for a while and it was just taking forever and it felt like i wasn;t going anywhere so i just stopped trying such as stopped saying mantra and imaging me on the beach with kate upton and went to sleep noramly.

Also, how long of staying still does it take you guys to reach the lucid dream state? i think if i stayed in it lnger i maybe would of went into sleep paralysis, ( ive had it before ).

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity

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