Thursday, April 3, 2014

Lucid Dreaming | Dream Recall: I can remember most my dream but not in the right order.

When I write in my journal after a dream I never remember the whole dream. When I wake up I only remember the last thing that happened, then thinking about that triggers in my memory the time before that and so on and so on in till I have remember the whole dream. Its always been that way for as long as I could remember. I have shared my dreams often with family and friends because frankly I have some crazy awesome dreams, its why i want to learn to LD.

Is this normal? Will I get to the point when I wake up from a dream I remember the whole dream and not pieces to a puzzle I put together? For the last week I have averaged 3 dreams a night and in my journal the are usually about 2-3 paragraphs long and I feel they are detailed.

Last night I had a dream where I looked at my hands and thought this isn't right? Then the dream went on as normal. Problem is when I woke up I had no memory of that at first. Few moments later as I start replaying my dream in my head backwards to write it down I realized that I did what I had been trying to do.

I have read that doing your RC in a dream may not ALWAYS trigger a LD and this was my first time doing anything close to my RC in a dream. My fear is that even if I do my RC nightly I will never do anything with it because I won't have any memory of me doing it till moments after I wake up.

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity

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