Monday, April 14, 2014

Lucid Dreaming | I'm a natural! First lucid dream

Alright I'm going to try to make this as short as possible. Please read everything.

I started researching lucid dreaming about 2 weeks ago on this site and became very fascinated. After about a week of trying to hard I gave it a rest. I've developed sleep paralysis about 2 years ago and I get it about once a month.

So here's how It started, I'm a sophomore in HS and had a lot of homework last night and at 12 am i was so tired I just said, screw it I'm going to sleep I'll try to wake up at 5 am tommorow to finish it. So keep in mind the past few days I've been taking a break of trying to lucid dream and reality checks. So I set my alarm at 5 am and went to sleep. I wake up in the morning at 5 am and am super super tired, I move very very quickly and turn off my alarm and go back to sleep. As I'm going to sleep for some unknown reason I think wow it was great living back at my old house with my bunk bed, ( 5 years ago ) so I said to my self I'm gonna try to imagine I'm sleeping there just for the fuck of it. ( KEEp in mind at the time I was not even thinking about lucid dreaming it was all just a huge coincidence) by the way have u ever tried what I was doing? Like closing ur eyes outside and imagining ur on a beach and u get to the point where if u think u open ur eyes u will be on a beach, we'll basically that's what I experienced and this all happened in a matter of seconds of falling asleep, so the moment I think I'm at my old house and about to open my eyes , BOOM In sleep paralysis, I'm

Not scared of sleep paralysis at all however I panicked idk why , but I just did, I think before or after I started hearing voices , anyways while I was in the sleep paralysis I hear my dad screaming at me WAKE UP, WAKE up! And I felt him shaking me it felt so real ( my eyes were closed and my dad shakes me slot somtimes to wake me up in the mornings) then I sainto my self. Shit I need to get out of this sleep paralysis before my dad kills me lol, so eventually I wake up and my dad wasn't even there it was just my imagination in my sleep paralysis.

So i know what ur thinking , "wtf that's not a lucid dream" however I think I was a blink away from a lucid dream I was so close ;(. I'm pretty sure if I didn't panic during sleep paralysis it would of went lucid it was so strange because when I was imagining my self sleeping at my old house it felt as if I was really there sleeping but I never opened my eyes it was only for a split second.

So I want to know what u guys think. A lot of WILD tutorials say to imagine like ur somwear or doing somthing which I did by pretending I was somewhere else. Do u guys think I would of went lucid if I didn't panic in the sleep paralysis? Has anyone else experienced somthing like this ? Please just give me some thoughts.

I will be trying this everyday now for this whole week and will post my results. Wish me luck.

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity

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