Saturday, April 26, 2014

Lucid Dreaming | Totally Beginner, can't fall asleep

Hello people, this is my first post on this forum, I'm totally new to LD and never had one before. I'm currently trying WBTB with MILD and also some lucid dreaming phone apps.

My biggest problem is: when I'm trying to LD, I simply can't fall asleep. I keep repeating the MILD mantras, but:

1) When getting drowsy I switch from mantras to visualization and en up awake again;

2)When getting drowsy I feel a weird vibration, maybe some WILD related stuff and that makes my heart rate and breathing go faster (which ruins the relaxation I guess);

3)Simply get stuck visualizing but too concentrated to fall asleep.

After about 45 minutes trying I give up on lucid dreaming and just try to sleep normally.

Any ideas? Maybe some binaural tones could help me relax or something like that? Should I try another technique?

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity

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