Friday, April 11, 2014

Lucid Dreaming | A trick for enhancing Reality Checks.

Have you ever heard the rumor that if you study while chewing gum and then take the test while chewing the same flavour you will remember better? The trick apparently involves neurobiology, because if you preform a test in the same conditions in which you studied, then similar memory pathways will be activated as when you were learning.

This could have potential as an supplement for inducing DILDs, of course we already have the fairly reliable reality check for them, so this technique could be used to practice the RC. My Idea is to simulate the environment of a dream, to a degree that makes me truly have to stop and consider whether I am dreaming, instead of repetitive menial tests when I'm already sure. For example I could acquire an alarm clock with a glitching screen, which I'm so used to seeing during false awakenings.

Imagine me waking up in the morning still spacy from sleep, I look at the clock and see the jibberish numbers, causing me to question if I am in a dream. It would cause me to think twice and not take any minor dreamsign as fact that I am dreaming, but instead use them as a reminder for a more valid test (such as things that can only work in dreams, like flying or telekinesis, pushing me to practice dream control as well)

Another option is found in a neat book I've been reading called "Finnegans Wake" (click here for online version). Before going to sleep I open up the book, and since it's writing style is very similar to how words act in a dream, I can use it like the study gum. What I do is read a few sentences and then attempt to use some super power that's never worked outside of a dream. Now every time I am reading something similar in a dream, I am in the habit of trying a super power as soon as I stop, and thus immediately realize that I am dreaming.

Let me know what you think and please share any experiences if you try it! : D

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity

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