Thursday, April 3, 2014

Lucid Dreaming | Like Chasing a Ball in a Pool

This thread is for the people out there like me who have beaten the snot out of this idea for years by doing tons of reality checks every day and watching or reading whatever they could and religiously keeping a dream journal with virtually no success.

I went about four or five years with this mentality and if this is you, you're only problem is that you have a really aggressive intent toward lucid dreaming. It wasn't until I got sick and tired of trying so hard for nothing(with more than just lucid dreaming) that I got a taste of success. I'm just gonna tell you a couple of things that should help you astronomically. And I'm not claiming to be and expert here I just wrestled a couple of secrets out of this whole game.

1. Stop slamming your mind over and over with the idea of becoming lucid at bedtime. Like I said before, this is for people who already have the right habits established. Your mind knows what you want but backing it into a corner will just make it scurry away like freaked out little squirrel. You want to softly let it know that lucidity is a good thing. A good rule of thumb is if its keeping you awake, you're pushing too hard.

2. Every hour or so during the day recall as much detail about what's happened so far that day as possible. I hope this is obvious. I only put this in here because its drastically improved my recall in just a couple of days. You're training your mind.

3. OBSERVE. This combined with the reality checks is lethal. I mean you want to understand the little things that keep reality consistent. Like my cigarette should not be a glass of water just because I didn't see it for a couple of seconds. Pay close but relaxed attention to whichever world you're surrounded by.

Hope this helps some people. Oh and if you're like me, you should probably spend your first few lucid dreams chilling out and just getting to know you're dreamscape. Apparently some people get to the point of just knowing its a dream by how it feels. That will be nice.

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity

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